Sunday, September 15, 2013

...I'M REALLY BACK THIS TIME(not like the last time)

....I'M SORRY!!! due to unforeseeable circumstances my previous announcement that my bloggyspheral hiatus was over was rudely interrupted by another unforeseeable hiatus...

....after rereading prior posts before applying jumper cables and dusting off this blog I noticed that several of my statements that drew the most comments as to my intelligence and sanity were in retrospect darn near prophetic...


so with that out of the way....let's take a look at the silliness of those in the public eye....other than Honey BOOBOO's mom getting her neck shaved on TLC having a rather large viewing audience and the TEAPUBLICAN CONGRESS getting their 41st attempt to overturn the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT shot down ....hello rand paul repetitively failing at the same thing hoping it just may work is the definition of insanity...I do however admire the paul families tradition of tenacity and sticktoityness... I mean after the first time ol' rand (that icon of rightwing family values) had to bail his kid out for being intoxicated using fake i.d. in possession of illegal drugs and dragged off a plane @ charlottes douglass airport.... the younger paul did it again...SAME STUPID,SAME AIRPORT...DIFFERENT correct me if i'm wrong ....that's possible...but didn't GOP president G.W.Bushes patriot act have a sneaky lil' ol' clause in there about fake i.d.s/airplanes and ....GO TO JAIL,GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL...DO NOT SAY OOPS...NO MULLIGANS ON THAT STUFF....

....meanwhile back on the t.v. news (term used in exceptionable looseness) one would think that corporations with enough capital to purchase cameras, kuerig coffeemakers & greenscreens so they can pretend they are standing somewhere other than in front of a green wall would at least KNOW an accountant who could explain the legal parameters of creative accounting to them.... the USPS is solvent, making a profit...but by juxataposing the presentation it can appear that it is being subsidized by the government when those numbers reflect the pensions paid to postal retirees when a certain gop prez who is commonly lionized by intoxicated poor spellers on hiway overpasses screwed with the postal employee pension fund...same time,same deal...if tip o'neals advice had been heeded the money KING RONNIE took from the SocialSecurity lockbox would still be there... I mean...I mean...all those years all those babyboomers looked at the FICA deductions knowing it would be there in retirement and now finding....IT'S NOT!!!

BUT WHERE DID IT GO(you may innocently ask)

WELL...uh... you know how we in the middleclass collect canned goods for the hungry??? uh... you see those poor indigent oil companies couldn't pay multi-million dollar bonuses to executives and dividends to shareholders without government subsidies so we have to sell your playstation & toothbrush in the yardsale and eat catfood and live in the buick ....JUST DOIN'OUR PATRIOTIC DUTY TINY TIM....

BUT WAIT!!! THERE'S MORE (and not just a ginsu knife)

....a long,long time ago in an irrational political decision far far out was decided to have former marine col. and part-time steve martin impersonater oliver north to carry out a series of heavily redacted in spite of the freedom of information act sneaky stuff having something to do with us not getting along with iran (the only non-fluxating component)and the u.s. supplying weapons systems to Iraq & some connection to central American drug lords (even though nancy wagged her bony finger and told Ronnie to say no)and...well...anyway that's how all this *#%^ got started....and instead of cleaning up their own mess it's easier to misinform scared folks busily burying spam,ramen noodles and assault rifles in the backyard many of them are behind on mortgage payments on and blame it on a black president who was playing foozball in a college dorm when your future was initially screwed up....

the big hands on a double digit number and the little hands on a single digit....feel free to leave a little 1st amendment freedom of speech in the comments section..tell your friends tell your neighbors spread the love...let's get me some followers on here because....TOO BE CONTINUED...

1 comment:

  1. Cur, I will gladly follow your hilarious posts. I do recognize that under your humor is a whole lot of well-researched, looked-at more than one side set of issues. I do have to read these more than once - the first time to get the giggles and laughs out, the second to digest the meat.

    I look forward to more enlightenment.

