Friday, January 3, 2014

TESTING....1...uh FIVE!!!!!....2....3....(tap-tap-tap is this thing on???) ....7....

^^^^^^^up there that.... "HEY!!!!! I ordered onion rings with that!!!!....^^^^ that'll be ARRGGHHH!!! (like a pirate) my blog..... apologies to all those on Farmville whose chickens I will no longer feed but i'll be spending more time here....

....still workin' out some kinks....some technical...some acquisitional....some physical... in full disclosure if ya'll are squeamish or anti disabled peeps my all too personal experiences with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS , the vivid realities of this misunderstood disease & suggestions that ambulatory peeps surgically remove their widening butts from the recliners and participate in walk/bikeathons for MS & a plethora of other "alphabet" diseases...

.....that said I reiterate I....ME...the creator of this is a blog for examining many issues...I will make fun of things....sometimes I will go out of my way to piss off certain groups...I implore those individuals to use my comments section at the bottom.... admittedly I WILL give priority of response to those disagreeing with me...

...I am just a disabled guy with time on his hands who to be perfectly honest is quite disgusted with folks... I am a born again Christian disgusted with how the hypochristian wrong and will be more than happy to open that can of worms so we can slather it all over the bloggyfloor and stomp on those issues.... politically I'm a centrist...(see previous blog below) and realize most of ya'll are too but just don't realize it....


....while at times I can be's not a requisite here...for anyone.... the CONSTITUTION ...(did I mention I'm a strict constitutionalist?...not like the teapublicans who claim they are protecting the constitution by overturning much of it and denying other parts to some....I'm not one of them but if you are by all means use the comments box and we can round &round about it).... AMERICA  is all about inclusiveness...many peeps have made choices I don't necessarily are47,892,028,573 (give or take 721,494,307 or so) choices in the universe and I'm not judging any of them.... constitutionally ya'll have the right to row your own boat so long as you don't infringe on the rights of others to row their own boat....

.....same deal with my faith..... as a FREEWILL believer.... I take that verse about us all being sinners serious.... hence it's above my paygrade to chunk rocks.... admittedly I'm often seen as comin' of harsh on far rightwing conservatives...but only because they opened their mouths and should've opened their bibles.... my stance is taking the bible out of public schools truly is a non-issue...they took the bible out of far too many fundamentalist pulpits first....(now there's a comment worthy arguing point...sure hopes someone will play a bit'o bloggiephorical badmitten with me there)....

...again in full disclosure I don't insist anyone agree or respect me in the comments section...and implore the use of that comments box for any who disagree with whatever petty socially acceptable practice ..... let's bloggie about it...that's what I've created this forum for.... I realize we all have different life experiences & some of mine (that being dead stuff..yuppers...that got me not giving a rat's patootie about the pettiness of what many think are important issues and practices)....that said...





the scanner & cartoons are coming.... really...not like last's just a little slow I couldn't feel my fingers there for awhile....and there was that minor thing about s'posed to being in a vegetative state....minor speedbump...just a fleshwound.... "WORKIN' IT OUT COACH!!!!" do me a favor ...PIMP MY BLOG...put it out me get the discussion rolling...

....too be continued....

Friday, December 13, 2013


.......I woke from a wonderful nap a few hours....relaxed, my neurological pain level a low I hadn't felt in several years.... I had several (to my way of thinkin') topics that I believed would kickstart a lighthearted ramble on the bloggysphere.... I was gathering my thoughts about John Boeners recent rant about the jackass teapublican caucus (if you're not up to speed on my thoughts about them scroll back to earlier posts)..... the realities of how our educational system which was designed to produce contented functioning drones for the shift from agrarian to industrial society thus the $$$$ from the uberdeep pockets put up enough venture capital to satiate their wants.... no more no less...

how the very same Madison avenue ....SPIN FOR HIRE.... pimps that were paid to convince you to waste...W.A.S.T.E.....WASTE your $$$$ on crap you don't need and feeding yourselves & your children poisons that make an all inclusive affordable care system necessary..... now are hired to convince folks that healthcare system is evil...... the selfsame big$$$$ invested which means they ...WILL...  not expect to....they WILL make a profit..... and it's time for each of us to perform that home rectal/cranial inversion....

(trust me once you pull that head out in the fresh air and clean out your eyes/ears a more accurate view of the world will emerge)

....anyway just as I turned on my laptop and saw a picture of nancy grace yammering I could hear some geriatrics T.V. down the hall turned up real loud with joyce Meyers shouting somewhere down the hall....(see former posts as to my opinion of nancy grace)...a thought popped into my head about Meyers so I put some joyce Meyers youtube clips on so as to not go off half cocked about her first thought was spot on....Meyers combining the sales techniques of dale Carnegie with the comedy routines of Rosanne barr....blend in large dollops of atheist freuds  concepts....sprinkle with self deprecation in anticipation of well deserved criticism and serve with the bible closed ....

A GOSPEL MESSAGE VOID OF GOSPEL TEACHING IS NOT CHRISTIAN's a poor substitute.....myself I'm not prosletizing....I respect the rights of others under the constitution to excercizie their dogma and chosen ism..... i'll cover Meyers and others of her ilk poaching huge profits from confused souls seeking spiritual connection later on down the blog....I will say I heard "NO" biblical references but did hear several references from the quaran  that many bible illiterate Christians waving anti islam signs at teaparty FREAKING BELEIVE are Gospel...... just as millions of high school and college grads in the U.S. are still being close on the heels of the recent credit bubble apocalypse how to "USE" credit cards in economics class....I can't beleive idiots are still taking out student loans to get degrees for jobs that no longer exist because their self image has them believing they are 'too good' to take advantage of grants and free training in actual wellpaid full benefit careers that are sitting idle because the average high school college grad does not possess the skillsets to be hired.....


....the big problem on Capitol hill lies in that teaparty caucus chock full of misled folks identifying themselves in FAUXCHRISTIAN groups,churches & organizations so wrapped up in destroying the constitution they claim to defend and causing more & more hate & violence in the world...I understand that the pastors of brick & mortar churches are required to spew messages shying away from the sermon on the mount ...."HERE'S A NAPKIN REVEREND WIPE THAT MAMMON OFF YOUR CHIN BEFORE YOU GREET THE PUBLIC".....wouldn't want those comfy cushy preacher butts to need resort to shoveling snow or mowing lawns to keep those suvs & mcmansions now would we??? and those apostate stuffed shirts oppose the PPACA and hold up REAGAN as a saint??? how ridiculous is that???

...stop and think how many psychologically off kilter folks will get the help they need under the PPACA???  NOW!!!!  how many psychologically off kiltered folks freaking lost the help they so desperately needed and were kicked out to the curb so Reagan could 'repurpose' those tax $$$ into subsidies that NEVER trickled down ???? how many folks suffered...or died even because of the failed social and economic policies of REAGAN????  I know several dozen by probly do too....

the largest private industry in America would go out of business with PPACA programs & bodies of professed believers could (by actually reading MATT. Chaps. 5,6&7 and applying them to their lives) because the largest private industry in the world is managing the poor...and most of those doing the managing don't possess the skillsets & 'intellectual toolboxes' to enter the actual workforce...they do however make some righteous in some nice digs & have a lot of cool cocktail party stories of their adventures running up student loans getting those 'macbethian (full of sound and fury signifying nothing) college degrees....while the rich get richer &the poor get trickled down upon...

...and nobody knows how many people truly need that  mentalhealth help the teaparty opposes under the PPACA..... my little jog around the bloggyshere has been interrupted several times by undertrained, underpaid cna's who cannot grasp & get irritated by my insistence that I am a human being.....under the PPACA I will be able to get relief and the proper physical therapy to rejoin society.... but under the forprofit Reagan system I cannot... the law says it's illegal to attempt to overmedicate me for the convenience of the staff...several facilities attempt to do otherwise... the facility physician without examining me scribbled a "rubberstamp" DX which excuses the staff to treat me as less than human even though the actual doctor that 'did' examine me says I have no sign of that disorder....the neurologist that's treated me for years says I show no signs of that disorder....the neuropsychs after I awoke from my coma were surprised I was not in a vegetative state noted I have no signs of that disorder.....I'm pretty certain I'm not that....I do however have ms and continuing to subject me to treatment adverse to ms isn't even allowed at "GITMO"...

.....however the medical director of this facility ....who isn't in private practice due to his 'tomas de Torquemada bedside manner and his 'snotty princess' PA who got pissed at me for daring to speak represent the "walmart greeters" of the medical field in that they are board certified and if this gig does'nt pan out they'll be fighting migrant workers for those chicken gutting positions....if I actually receive the physical therapy the neurologist has been ordering since '08 I would be able to rejoin society and go home & possibly return to work....alas..if I would just shut up and pretend to match the bogus DX they could milk medicare and my insurance company for turdloads of $$$$ these folks are about as subtle as a Sherman tank trying to sneak up on a fuzzy little bunny rabbit...

....but ME... what am I thinkin'????

.....yeah??? what???

I wanna be a human being....I've learned a lot of useful information that I could somehow pass on to help others navigate this screwed up world.... i'ld like to be a part of helping those forgotten folks get the proper care they need...I realize there is no quick fix....there will always be 'snakeoil salesmen' lining their pockets... I've seen the slimy, fraudulent side of healthcare.... I know the names and faces of hurting folks who will be treated like scum in Medicaid facilities again this Christmas.... and the names of those paid to treat them that way....I wish I had done more when I was mobile to help those poor souls that Reagan kicked to the curb...thinkin' hard on that....the math is solid to use the educational system, healthcare & mentalhealth , retraining, retooling & restarting the economy ....working folks making a living wage spend (creating more jobs) invest in IRAs, 401ks etc...and pay taxes & fica strengthening our nation....

...and in there somewhere is the $$$ so I no longer have to be (legally) held hostage in a broken private for-profit system.... and those folks needing the care and who would benefit from proper administration of those meds they are pissed off because I refuse to acknowledge a bogus erroneous diagnoses.... I'm thinking about efficient effective usage in treating folks reaching out for the end of their ropes....  I'm pretty focused on that....before more innocent people get hurt...I'm thinkin' 'bout that... see at the beginning of this rant I checked my facebook newsfeed....a facebook friend  who I knew in 'brick&mortar' form... a really good guy... popping pads & sweating out those august practices.... many years ago.... his stepsons ok....he was in school outside Denver heart and soul are with them tonight....

...PEACE><> be continued...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

HEY!!!! I ordered onion rings with that !!!!: ANYBODY SEEN UNCLE JOE LATELY??????

HEY!!!! I ordered onion rings with that !!!!: ANYBODY SEEN UNCLE JOE LATELY??????: ......there's been a lot of political buzz of recent....haven't posted much as I've broke out the XXL popcorn bowl and my side h...


......there's been a lot of political buzz of recent....haven't posted much as I've broke out the XXL popcorn bowl and my side hurts from laughing so hard.... haven't I told ya'll politics was invented merely for my personal more,,,no less... OH!!! sorry ...I FORGOT... most folks are so busy listening they don't pay attention (should be one of those offended by that statement I can only recommend BASSIST extraordinaire Donald "Duck" Dunns classic line from the movie 'THE BLUES BROTHERS'...."IF THE SHIT FIT'S WEAR IT"....)



I may reply seriously, maybe sarcastic or mocking...but HEY!!!! it's free roll the I usually haven't got a clue what my muse will push out of my pencil when I pick it up and shake it I also look forward to my response to ya'lls opinions....OH YEAH!!! THE CARTOONS...they're on the way , I'm researching my scanner options as those who are familiar with my quaint humor via caricature know mobility is of essence....thus my entire setup operates out of a backpack....and MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS EATS BOOGERS...but fingers doing well...I don't bring up the disabilities thing for pity...unless of course it will guilt your butt off the couch and participating in walkathons, bikeathons, bakesales &poker runs to raise awareness for research & services for cancer, diabetes and ALPHABET DISEASE sufferers in worse shape and less fortunate than those situations...well then I hope that until you pitch in and help that you have nightmares of rush Limbaugh nekkid until you help.....

....but the toons are definitely in the pipeline......

...meanwhile back on the ranch....just after admitting that the PPACA (known as obamacare to the politically illiterate, however it will be  a cool legacy after the wrinkles are smoothed out.... kinda like w/FDR and social security...everytime a direct deposit gets credited a babyboomer says "THANKS FRANK") because of the dark suit bit was difficult to tell if he peed his pants when he said it but after rand paul admitted to the cameras how well the PPACA is working in Kentucky he put his index fingers in his ears and walked away babbling "na-na-na-na-I can't here you".... of course millions of americans who will benefit from THE PPACA wouldn't know that as they NEVER watch the news ...they are indoctrinated by the Saudi Arabian owned Rupert Murdoch masked propaganda machine FOX NEWS....would someone please use the comments box and explain to me how folks can form their opinions on the ARAB/ISLAMIST words of FOX and call themselves CHRISTIAN PATRIOTS???...that one mystifies me....

and now I come back to joe biden....I know...I know....many of ya;ll think uncle joe is a joke....and that's because he wants you to....he's a freaking senatorial ninja.....for years he and harry reid were "silverbacks in training" under ted kennedy...the master of senatorial's sad ted died at such a crucial time as his entire political career was devoted to fulfilling the dream of his brothers jack & bobby...but he laid much of the groundwork for getting quality healthcare for every american...and we're on the critical mass...sadly ted's gone...but reid and biden have a history of ( and never take your eyes off leiberman) of doing the tagteam...right now the GOPs divided ...unfortunately IMHO (as a centrist I disdain the far fringes of both parties but cherish the existence of both in their entirety) they may be going the way of the WHIGS...harry reid, ever the chess playr...not only knowing his next 3 moves but ALL of the opponents options, what the opponents will do and how he will react...intelligent and calculated similar but different to Obama the poker player...barack has been criticized for it but to be honest..when he gave the go ahead to seal team six then played golf...watched their takeoff then played cards until the actual strike,,, even if you hate the guy you should admit he's got nerves of steel...right now nobody knows what he's holding and if he's bluffing....most of all the Obama haters who if they remember correctly very few of their predictions have come true the past few years....

..BUT....has anybody seen uncle joe lately???? when bidens off the radar doing political ninja stuff...historically in his political history the dominoes are being set up....but when they start to fall silly old uncle joe will be miles away on the other side of town rolling his eyes, saying something calculatedly stupid in front of the cameras acting like he doesn't know what's going on....he's like clark kent with the "what did I miss this time"....THINK about it...pass the popcorn...I'm curious what practical joke REID/LEIBERMAN/BIDEN pulled on MICHELLE BACHMAN to make ol' 'manson eyes' give up on politics and trot back home to her mincing hubby...bidens been scarce.... rand paul & paul ryan aren't standing behind any fans ...and I predict that the teapublican caucus and fundamentalist political wrong will be unpleasantly surprised by December 1st when medicare/caid providers who were decertified for fraudulent billing will no longer be allowed to participate in the system.... that's what all the fuss is about ...oh..yeah...many of ya'll haven't been paying attention and got punked by CHUCK & DAVE KOCH.... and all this goin' to canada crap...try it...ted nugent & ilk  ain't goin' because CANADA don't allow those handguns and assault rifles...Dudley Doright would put nugent over his knee and spank ted in a new York minute.....

...the liberals call me a right wing nut...the neo-conservatives call me a liberal socialist...when I quote the red letters of my thompsons KJV many the jackleg preacher has called me a's a big ol interconnected I was typing I've been listening to the audiobook "letters to a young poet" by:rainer maria rilke...I never knew Rilke's wife was an understudy to the great sculpter rodan...I used to park on the upper  deck of roanokes center in the square every Monday morning just so I could carry my martin down the steps and stop for a few moments to admire rodans 'fallen angel',,'balzacs head' and 'Balzac leaning on a post' on display... on my way to guitar lessons from fingerstyle/harpguitar master stacy hobbs whose harp guitar Christmas album I highly recommend...just like my spiraling ramblings...the world must be slowly observed to be understood... I look forward to shaking the pencil and see what falls out...please post recommended portable, quality scanners to the dcomment box that the wimpy detractors to my thoughts are too chicken to use...and remember songwriter john prine, the sick scared and elderly...the lonely in nursing homes battling disease & dementia and all those soldiers,sailers, airman & marines protecting our freedoms in prayer..... be continued....

Thursday, October 24, 2013


....more & more I ask myself this a believer in MY lord & savior jesus Christ....every election cycle I ask my self this question more and more....the popes statement the other day that serving the poor &sick & elderly...taking the words of jesus in the GOSPEL of MATTHEW chapters 5,6&7 are ignored in modern religion...Christs thrice telling simon peter "feed my sheep" (chap 21 gospel of john) has been replaced by the doctrine of hate....dogma of kiss the rich mans arse....the CHURCH OF HATE has displaced the gospels of jesus...

HAVE I OFFENDED ANYONE?????  whooppity flipping woo!!!! THOU DEN OF VIPERS....don't strut around yammering how squeaky clean the outside of your cup can one dare....wait scratch that....if they didn't carry poorly spelled signs saying they are Christians nobody would've guessed those teaparty anti-American shills of big...nay $$$$ had a clue there was indeed an historical JESUS OF NAZARETH as well as the spiritual one...

in the words of comedian BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT (someone the teapublican jackasses are in fact familiar with) "it's o.k. if you hate long as you understand why you hate me...shouldn't you at least HATE correctly?"

anyway I was gonna blog about something entirely different...but don't ya'll feel better, cleaner, refreshed with that gem of truth out for all to enjoy??? I know..I know some don't like it...well...ummm....if the hypocrite shit fits put it on and wear it...stop pretending you're some thing you're not...and I admit that I have trainloads more respect for the hypochristians that admit their hate than the ones ashamed to admit they're of that ilk when their very thought word and deed is diametrically opposed to the Gospels....COME OUT OF YOUR JUDGEMENTAL CLOSETS...everyone knows....most just don't think that your not worth the breath to say it...

POP!!!  go the egotistical anal compulsive bubbles....

....NOW!!!! has anyone else had the pop-up about the new novel about Stonewall Jackson takingthe confederate army of the trans Mississippi and doing battle with General Sherman??? that's like a...what??? 6 or seven paragraph book? 1st gen. Thomas johnathan "stonewall" Jackson was a strange man on an imagined selfimposed mission from god to save old virginny (he didn't care about the other states and told Georgian CSA general longstreet so much) Jackson also had the homecourt advantage in the shenadoah valley having knowledge of roads, passes etc.

Sherman on the other hand was in the army corps of engineers during the Mexican war while Jackson,lee,grant etc...etc...were off waging war in mexico Sherman was becoming familiar with the roads,rivers, tax structure that the confederates charged with stopping him were oblivious to...Ohioan Sherman had the homefeild advantage, larger more experienced, better equipped, better fed troops....


had Jefferson davis (who incidently had multiple sclerosis) had sense enough to give the confederate general who hands down was the most intelligent, greatest leader of the confederacy...Nathan Bedford forest the manpower,equipment etc. that he bestowed on the absolute most cowardly, inept commander on either side BRAXTON BRAGG...they'ld still be whistlin' Dixie in Vicksburg,atlanta, naw'leans and much of the south....while true Sherman was histrung he was also, according to contempories on both sides of the manson/Nixon line the absolute smartest general on either side...and just as forrest his potential to creatively get a case of the redass and stop giving a shit to "GIT ER Done" as they say was ledgendary....

unlike the loudmouthed Canadian teaparty presidential candidate Ted "whinywimp" cruz....AMERICA needed some American heroes like Jackson,sherman, forrest, Lincoln & my favorite Theodore Roosevelt to take congress to the woodshed, tell the tea party the truth (jesus would've braided a cord and chased rand pauls butt all the way out of D.C)....I realize that hopefully there are some teaparty jesus haters reading this and they get pissed off...stop being doucebags and man jacksons old virginny Gov. bob "up on felony charges" mcdonnell and his gov.wannabe ken cuchhinelli support bringing back the jim crowe laws so only folks that look like them, believe like them and kiss pat "turbodementia" robertsons pimply butt like them can vote..... but that;s not even the worst full disclosure I have been in public, private, military, Christian scools as well as extensive personal study.... I have a great deal of respect for homeschooling, if done properly by loving parents it is amazing....some of the folks I have the upmost respect for gave out of love their child an extraordinary gift of roots and wings....I look forward to seeing great things from these kids as they go out into the Virginia the theme however is becoming that oversight to ensure the child is receiving a minimum of readin'rightin'and rithmatic to be eligible for entry level minimum wage occupation is unconstitutional.....

sounds resonibly commomsense to me....

Va, gov McDonnell says no...oh no...hell no!!!! if a parent wants to homeschool a child that 2+2=783, or Jackson beat Sherman in the battle of alesia, that drinking sulphuric acid is healthy and turtles run down and eat cheetahs that is the parents right... the bible teaches what father if his son asks him for bread will give him a stone...who would try to pass laws encouraging parents to purposely 'learn' there kid's to be idiots , bullies & haters??? BOB MCDONNEL that's who...

pay careful attention and I will pull all of the above together gores
1-the teaparty loves McDonnell
2-they support "NOT" giving children simple commonsense intellectual toolboxes needed to mature into contributing members of society
3-they want to get rid of ALL government programs
4- if allowed to raise their kids the teaparty/McDonnell way welfare & felonie will be all that stands between starvation and hot meals in their kids future
5- since the quran teaches no one can understand the quran until they understand the Talmud,torah&gospels of jesus that the moslems that served with Gen. Washington @  valley forge understand the bible better than many jackleg teaparty preachers
6-the teapublican leadership is unpolluted by reality

...once again I implore those in disagreement to take full advantage of the comments section be continued...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

CHUCK&DAVE SPANK THE TEAPARTY..... i'm guessing that Charles and David Koch's telling the teaparty and GOP congressfolks to cut the crap was'nt based on any HUMANITARIAN ideas they discussed....NO!!!!! they do not comprehend this humanitarian stuff...heck standing next to the Koch brothers dick cheney takes on a somewhat demeaner.....and since they tend to build worldclass hospitols and hire worldclass doctors when they require healthcare.....

.....possibly as I pointed out in earlier rants the fact that healthy workers getting paid a living wage and actually seeing with their own eyes that if they get sick & when they get old (which healthy folks do) they become happier more productive employees with disposable income to purchase the products they produce....yup....selling more products means profit...means getting richer does get the Koch bros attention....

i'm not making light of any of the serious issues making headlines of late...I am however pointing out some simple obvious truths all too often overlooked in the recent discussions.....


all of that teaparty talk about shutting down the government back before the last's that workin' for you now? grannies social security, Smithsonian tour guides & custodians, border patrol, usda food inspections, veterans hospitols & benefits, therapy for miners with black lung, Medicaid (maybe you don't support dialysis for poor people but how many hundreds of thousands of nurses etc. losing their jobs will it take to make you happy?) apparently ya'll didn't know just how many folks paychecks are dependent on the don't go screaming about OBAMA....he's not guilty here (there's enough other stuff to criticize him over but not this one)....this one belongs to the teaparty....I've always heard that in an American court of law ignorance is no defense...i'm just hinting that before you send imbeciles to shut down the government one should first find out what they are shuttin' down....

...although it's often blamed for and touted as the reason for the shutdown....the affordable care act (or obamacare for those who never glanced at the coverpage much less familiarized themselves with it's contents) did not cause the isn't socialized medicine is however a law that does more than just make insurance affordable to poor people and accessible to people with chronic illnesses.... it also makes drs/providers/hosp./insurance companies responsible for delivering proper medical care to the patient.....lowers premiums for most....CREATES MILLIONS OF JOBS.....for doctors,nurses,physical therapists, pharmacists, manufacturers of splints, crutches, wheelchairs & latex gloves nurses use by the gazillion.....and that is why CHUCK&DAVE SPANKED THE TEAPARTY....apparently that half a billion dollars they took out of petty cash to create the teaparty wanes when compared to the profits they will reel in via their investments in medical & medical supply companies not to mention the insurance companies they invest heavily in....

.......i'm guessing that now that rand pauls sugar daddies have publicly pushed him to the would be an appropriate time for anyone who supported the teapublicans  to apologize to America....and especially to servicemen,veterans and especially the wounded warriors and families of those who fought & died defending the constitution & government rand paul opposes.....

......chuck & dave see the ACA as a winner...a moneymaker.....think about be continued....

Wednesday, October 2, 2013