Wednesday, October 2, 2013

ONE PLUS ONE STILL EQUALS TWO.... really does....take a minute and check on your own need to borrow the mainstream medias digits if you don't trust your fingers take off those  bunny slippers and use your point being if you can do simple math you can (if you really want to) calm your fears about the government shutdown, ACA and cease being codependent on either the far left or far right pissing down your back and calling it's not...that smell is your ideological political beleifs exposed to time and heat...!!!! if I have your attention I shall start by explaining that I won't be criticizing the far left that doesn't understand middleclass workers settin' that alarm clock....punchin' that time clock....spending huge chunks of their lives working and paying taxes...taxes that fund the free stuff the far left thinks come from the free stuff pixie who lives under a mushroom on capitol hill...those far lefties....they don't have a dog in this present beltway fight....

       CAPECHE?????? for the far right...the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT doesn't give free insurance to makes it possible for WORKING PEOPLE...yup those alarm clock timeclock pillars of any strong industrialized economy....which depend upon three (I apologize to those still hung up on one plus one and making that quantum leap to 1+1+1) a healthy economy requires..

1-inventors, innovators etc. & their assistants...their mr. watsons, their igors..

2- investors....banks, private money, the PIGGY BANCO de GRANDE....those with access & ability to finance our popcorn stand, purchase the necessary equipment and enough corn,oil,butter to melt on it and bags to sell it in

3-this is the largest and because of their twofold purpose to a healthy freemarket capitalistic machinization arguably the most important because ...

    a. ya gotta have them to manufacture, transport, wholesale & retail the popcorn...

    b. this group also includes the nurses, dental hygenists, builders/maintainers of the infrastructure, everyone from the advertiser who let's folks know where they can purchase your yummy popcorn to the sommelier who displays the array of rootbeer, orange soda & other burp juice available with your popcorn

   c. they are also your target market ....ever since Henry Ford invented the middleclass by paying his employees more than they could make anywhere else and making giving them the financial ability to purchase the product they made which caused demand which kept them working.

   d.  a healthy wellpaid working middleclass makes more money to purchase more goods and services and at the same time pays more federal,state,local etc. taxes to pay down national debt, educate kids and more than enuff to fund the affordable care act...DUH!!!!

   if you haven't smacked your palm to forehead yet...i'll type slower because I really want everyone to understand these simple realities....

....what this has to do with the ACA is...hang on I feel an unavoidable run on sentence (apologies to my high school English teacher but it's too late to repossess my diploma now) fully funding the ACA now and congress bipartisnally ironing over the wrinkles the sheer volume of working people  purchasing insurance (that's right no free lunch) and them and their families using it necessitates need for more nurses, clinics, constructionworkers building clinics , phlebotomists, dental hygeinists etc. all working which means paying taxes and relieving the strain on foodstamps/unemployment....which means more jobs in manufacturing,transportation , wholesale/retail, service industries safer roads, more and more folks paying taxes and creating demand for more and newer improveder products....and by the simple application of the two dollar copy theory the rich will get richer by paying workers better wages and if this doesn't appeal to ya'll far right wing folks then I think this next aspect will... 

....HANG ON BRACE YOURSELVES doing what I just outlined the support base for the farleft will naturally matriculate into the middleclass....POOF!!!! the far left disappears.... recycling, clean air & water and producing healthy food because taking good care of  each other and this planet GOD put man in charge of caring for and the above simple principles of synergy are in harmony with that Gospel Golden Rule.... be continued....

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