Thursday, October 24, 2013


....more & more I ask myself this a believer in MY lord & savior jesus Christ....every election cycle I ask my self this question more and more....the popes statement the other day that serving the poor &sick & elderly...taking the words of jesus in the GOSPEL of MATTHEW chapters 5,6&7 are ignored in modern religion...Christs thrice telling simon peter "feed my sheep" (chap 21 gospel of john) has been replaced by the doctrine of hate....dogma of kiss the rich mans arse....the CHURCH OF HATE has displaced the gospels of jesus...

HAVE I OFFENDED ANYONE?????  whooppity flipping woo!!!! THOU DEN OF VIPERS....don't strut around yammering how squeaky clean the outside of your cup can one dare....wait scratch that....if they didn't carry poorly spelled signs saying they are Christians nobody would've guessed those teaparty anti-American shills of big...nay $$$$ had a clue there was indeed an historical JESUS OF NAZARETH as well as the spiritual one...

in the words of comedian BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT (someone the teapublican jackasses are in fact familiar with) "it's o.k. if you hate long as you understand why you hate me...shouldn't you at least HATE correctly?"

anyway I was gonna blog about something entirely different...but don't ya'll feel better, cleaner, refreshed with that gem of truth out for all to enjoy??? I know..I know some don't like it...well...ummm....if the hypocrite shit fits put it on and wear it...stop pretending you're some thing you're not...and I admit that I have trainloads more respect for the hypochristians that admit their hate than the ones ashamed to admit they're of that ilk when their very thought word and deed is diametrically opposed to the Gospels....COME OUT OF YOUR JUDGEMENTAL CLOSETS...everyone knows....most just don't think that your not worth the breath to say it...

POP!!!  go the egotistical anal compulsive bubbles....

....NOW!!!! has anyone else had the pop-up about the new novel about Stonewall Jackson takingthe confederate army of the trans Mississippi and doing battle with General Sherman??? that's like a...what??? 6 or seven paragraph book? 1st gen. Thomas johnathan "stonewall" Jackson was a strange man on an imagined selfimposed mission from god to save old virginny (he didn't care about the other states and told Georgian CSA general longstreet so much) Jackson also had the homecourt advantage in the shenadoah valley having knowledge of roads, passes etc.

Sherman on the other hand was in the army corps of engineers during the Mexican war while Jackson,lee,grant etc...etc...were off waging war in mexico Sherman was becoming familiar with the roads,rivers, tax structure that the confederates charged with stopping him were oblivious to...Ohioan Sherman had the homefeild advantage, larger more experienced, better equipped, better fed troops....


had Jefferson davis (who incidently had multiple sclerosis) had sense enough to give the confederate general who hands down was the most intelligent, greatest leader of the confederacy...Nathan Bedford forest the manpower,equipment etc. that he bestowed on the absolute most cowardly, inept commander on either side BRAXTON BRAGG...they'ld still be whistlin' Dixie in Vicksburg,atlanta, naw'leans and much of the south....while true Sherman was histrung he was also, according to contempories on both sides of the manson/Nixon line the absolute smartest general on either side...and just as forrest his potential to creatively get a case of the redass and stop giving a shit to "GIT ER Done" as they say was ledgendary....

unlike the loudmouthed Canadian teaparty presidential candidate Ted "whinywimp" cruz....AMERICA needed some American heroes like Jackson,sherman, forrest, Lincoln & my favorite Theodore Roosevelt to take congress to the woodshed, tell the tea party the truth (jesus would've braided a cord and chased rand pauls butt all the way out of D.C)....I realize that hopefully there are some teaparty jesus haters reading this and they get pissed off...stop being doucebags and man jacksons old virginny Gov. bob "up on felony charges" mcdonnell and his gov.wannabe ken cuchhinelli support bringing back the jim crowe laws so only folks that look like them, believe like them and kiss pat "turbodementia" robertsons pimply butt like them can vote..... but that;s not even the worst full disclosure I have been in public, private, military, Christian scools as well as extensive personal study.... I have a great deal of respect for homeschooling, if done properly by loving parents it is amazing....some of the folks I have the upmost respect for gave out of love their child an extraordinary gift of roots and wings....I look forward to seeing great things from these kids as they go out into the Virginia the theme however is becoming that oversight to ensure the child is receiving a minimum of readin'rightin'and rithmatic to be eligible for entry level minimum wage occupation is unconstitutional.....

sounds resonibly commomsense to me....

Va, gov McDonnell says no...oh no...hell no!!!! if a parent wants to homeschool a child that 2+2=783, or Jackson beat Sherman in the battle of alesia, that drinking sulphuric acid is healthy and turtles run down and eat cheetahs that is the parents right... the bible teaches what father if his son asks him for bread will give him a stone...who would try to pass laws encouraging parents to purposely 'learn' there kid's to be idiots , bullies & haters??? BOB MCDONNEL that's who...

pay careful attention and I will pull all of the above together gores
1-the teaparty loves McDonnell
2-they support "NOT" giving children simple commonsense intellectual toolboxes needed to mature into contributing members of society
3-they want to get rid of ALL government programs
4- if allowed to raise their kids the teaparty/McDonnell way welfare & felonie will be all that stands between starvation and hot meals in their kids future
5- since the quran teaches no one can understand the quran until they understand the Talmud,torah&gospels of jesus that the moslems that served with Gen. Washington @  valley forge understand the bible better than many jackleg teaparty preachers
6-the teapublican leadership is unpolluted by reality

...once again I implore those in disagreement to take full advantage of the comments section be continued...

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