Friday, April 6, 2012


....took a little vacation from posting here....hmmmm....where did i leave off???? oh yeah...for any one who has'nt read my postings before (the previous rants can be found below...and feel free to comment...'specially if you disagree...we can cyberchat about it).....the gop primary field is thinning now....i miss some of the culls, they were good for chuckles.....whatwith the the recent supreme court hearing...COMING OUT FOR REAL IN JUNE....until then anyone who says they know the outcome is like that jackleg preacher what keeps predicting day/date for the rapture....they are lying...obama put a tasseled loafer in his mouth but politics is politics....ol' boy santorum's gonna rip his colon open with all the toenail he's gummed when the cameras are on...but are not election years not full of greatest mirth and jollity????

i've been wondering about all these mysterious superpac millionaire doners....what if that cash was spent on retraining,retooling and putting folks back to work???? investments like that would make the greedy rich a profit on output unlike the superpac moneypit.....maybe romney will fix that....his daddies automotive company fixed that 74 harley davidson sportster by putting the shifter and footbrake on the wrong the way when do the new pacers and ramblers hit the showrooms???

but down to brass tacks....if the gop candidates git what they're talking affordable healthcare, close down the epa (remember when the river caught fire in ohio a couple times??? because of the epa it's clean now) by cutting medicaid not only will millions of nursing home patients be out on the street but so will the nursing home employees....before you cast a vote for anyone suporting the ryan plan you should visit a few rest homes and explain to all of the dementia patients why you think they should be kicked out in the street to fend for themselves....then go home read matthew chapters 5,6&7then ask yourself ..WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ??? would he comfort and heal the sick and infirm??? or would he help the pharasees line thier pockets whilst ignoring the NON-PRIVLIGED??? on this good friday as we pray.....remember those same pharasees were on the sanhedran who know the rest of that story...............

to be continued...

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