Sunday, September 25, 2011

IT'S ALL JUST WHAT IT IS...... i the only one who's first thought after last weeks GOP debate was.......AND JUST HOW WILL RICK PERRY AND HIS 'TOURETTE SYNDROME DIPLOMACY' BRING ABOUT WORLD PEACE???????? nuff said.....'cept for the beatdown whoever forgot to tell michelle bachman she was the strawman from oz's illegitimate child......"oh if i only had a brain"................i'll have to see if netflix has DELIVERANCE on the watch free queqe....did the kid playin' banjo on the br4idge have teabags hangin' off his ears?????  pulling the funding frompublic schools and spending it to get college degrees for illegals...what part of illegal don't they understand....

herman cain,rick perry (because they understand business and healthcare ) and newt gingrich (for his d.c. connections and intellect) would all make decent vice president but that leaves the grand old party with concrete blocks under the tree in the front yard...........but no rusted out chevelle to put on the pedestal....jon huntsman (notice that unlike his staff i spelled his name properly)......well.....huntsman rides a harley and has an attractive blonde wife.....that's gonna bring him all the votes he'll get...but two....him and his grandma....

anyhoos.....if you have'nt noticed i am neither happy or impressed with the republican party.........the majority of the registered voting population of America is suffering.....we're spiraling as a nation....and they are acting like children , everytime the koch brothers toss a bundle of cash out....the rightwing all drops their pants and tapdances on the coffee table whilst singing old hermans hermits this pace it won't be long and everytime a tsunami hits indonesia the survivors will gather scraps of food to send to america....."miguel !!!! you scrape and eat all that pulp from that treebark....children in iowa are starving!!! "

......i once identified myself and registered as a libertarian.....i even voted for harry brown for president.....the fiscal responsibility personal responsibility thing appealed to me.....then we could all be in position to help the elderly and people with legitimate physical and psychological disabilities......i feel that anyone who enters a crackhouse, points at the urine soaked crackhead in the lobby and sez "gimmee some of what he had please"......but this ron paul ????? he wants to tear down the border fence because he thinks millions of american middle class are sneaking across the border to make the big bucks sweeping dirt flors for all those fabulously wealthy guatamaleans in those straw and dung walled the way art oliver ran as harry browns vice president......dr. ron paul getting into poitics and not seeing patients may well be the only positive healthcare reform he's participated in.........he wants to see herion legalized????  starting to see a connection to his son getting elected to public office in kentucky where crystal meth, oxycodone, vienna sausage , busch light and funnel cakes are the five basic food groups......needless to say i'm not a libertarian anymore.............I JUST WANT TO BE AN AMERICAN.......

.......years ago i realized that america is a meltingpot....made up of a little bit of everything.....and i enjoy the  mix of must use every crayon in the big crayon box to complete the 'we are America' coloring book.....we are all in this together....need to respect individuals differences and celebrate what we have in common......and we are all Gods creatures.......WWJD?????

c'mon........ be honest.......WWJD?????  he did'nt pull a Dr. Ron Paul and tell the sick man lowered by his friends through the roof to crawl under a rock and die because his HMO won't pay Dr. Paul enough.....seriouly???? WWJD?  ....feel free to enlighten me in the comment box below.....and don't be shy about giving me chapter and verse  to look up...i have plenty of time to research while i lay here healing so i won't get stuffed in a sack of cats and tossed off the gauley bridge to satisfy a backroom campaign promise if the tea party christian right is elected.....c"mon folks stop waving it around and thumping on it ....calm down, and actually read your would be amazed....THE PHARISEES WERE NOT THE HEROES AND ROLE MODELS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.........go ahead read be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. You always make me laugh, Jon - and then cause me to think. You're fulfilling your mission! Keep it coming :)
