Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just another one of those days.......

Just another one of those days..have ya'll ever had one??  the kind full of unanswerable questions that   require answers  from you................NOW!!!!! concrete, carved in granite. rest of your life.....spraypainted across teddy roosevelts mustasch on mount rushmore.....solid answers.....i'm not talkin' 'bout  petty lil old " doyou want fries with that"  "shaken or stirred"  "how was your weekend" questions.....naw i'mtalkin' those serious   questions i was aware were lurking out there somewhere......but those  proverb 27:1 days where all those morrows i once boasted of.......um???  those morrows will still be there but not like on my blueprint......it's real.....the Holy Spirit taps you on the shoulder ....he did me today.....and the honest truth ......."I JUST DON'T KNOW"..............i've had a rough couple years.....i'm weary....let me heal a wee bit longer.....find someone to give me a llittle boost in a couple weeks....don't ask today....5:0'clock sports anchor said "film at eleven" it's only tentill seven...........I DON'T KNOW WHAT TOMMORROW OR A MONTH FROM NOW WILL BRING AND NEITHER DO THEY!!   and i'm supposed to tattoo a trampstamp with my irrevocable decision encrypted in the curls on the statue of liberty by daylight.........i've got songs to sing,'toons to draw....puppy dogs ears to scratch............the blooms on my pink antiQue rosebush by the front porch are big as softbals and  as much as i want i'm not there to smell them.......and i'm praying to stay here...(in the words of jackson  browne)JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGERRRRRR....CAN"T I STAYYYYYY..........JUST A LITTLE BIT ......THE SURGEON WON'T MIND.....AND THE ROADIES WON"T MIND.......i fought to hard for the help that never came....like custer waitin' for reno while the whole souix nation held a face painting convention....just around the corner.....i've endured too much mch to throw in the towel today....a couple years ago i read the warning and signed the papers that i understood the possibilities and played backgammon (yes i won) while the smurf blue chemo ran into my veins............"FATHER I HAVE NOTHING TO BOAST ABOUT.....I REMEMBER THOSE DARKER DAYS WHEN I ALMOST "SAID UNCLE" AND QUIT (i was so certain layin'there just my bible,mandolin and the Holy Spirit for company....the whole world it seemed was busy somewhere else that week}BUT YOU SHOWED UPAND COMFORTED ME......THANKYOU GOD.....PLEASE GIVE ME THE STRENGTH THE POWER AND THE WISDOM TO ENDURE AND CARRY ON...WATCH OVER ME ....AND ALL OF THE DISABLED,THE SICK, THE CONFUSE3D AND  HURTIN'....I ASK YOU LORD IN THIS PUBLIC FORUM TO FORGIVE ME MY TRANSGRESSIONS....AND HELP ME BECAUSE I HAVE TROUBLE WITH FORGIVING OTHERS TOO OFTEN (SOME OF MY GRUDGES HAVE KIDS WITH DRIVERS LICENSES) THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ALL OF US..IN YOUR NAME I PRAY...AMEN.......and.....oh yeah......GOD???? help me do the right thing....they say the devil's in the details...would you shake him outta there? bind satan LORD.....and if i'm not pushing my luck let my legs strengthen...just once i want to unsnap my chinstra-p and hobble off the field and into the future with what the poets call dignity...........

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