Tuesday, October 11, 2011


ya gotta love an election year....so far in tonites debate the advertisement with the little kid in the cool argyle sweater explaining the future effects of the economy in the pete peterson advertisement that kicked off halftime......that kid was the closest to accurate explaining the economy i;ve seen so far.....

....oh!!!!!no-o-o!!!!  romney said it.....get people back to work and paying taxes....if they put folks back to work at a decent living wage (the more the gross income the more revenue to pay off deficits and run the government) .....whoa there big shooter ol' mitt just spoke of growing a healthy middleclass and the referee did'nt blow the whistle and throw the yellow flag......"TWEET!!!! DO FIFTY PUSHUPS ILLEGAL USE OF OBAMA POLICY"......

....poor old weatherbeaten obama.....the tea party congressmen vote his proposals down before they read them.....hey!!!! a kid with freckles and a gray sweater explaining how to take care of healthcare and social security......where does pete peterson find these kids in hia ads....andd maybe we should let pete rustle up a few older ones we could vote for ....do ya think ?????.....right now the candidates are takinn' a break.....newts probly mad because perry bought all the zagnut bars from the snack machine.....

michelle brought up reagan in the 80's....25%down and 15% interest on home loans......reagan warned of the perils of reckless credit usage and the dangers of not reining it in......don't believe me ??? check out his first inaugural address...it's on youtube.......but instead wall street and madison avenue spent billions on advertisement campaigns to encourage ......more reckless use of credit....it took 30 years to blow up that big bubble that only recently popped.....why not work with this president to start creating jobs and whether he or whoever is elected next year gets sworn in we continue the momentum?????

......the protests that started on wall street has not only gone viral....it's gone shoeleather....coast to
coast canada to mexico.....they want to work,take care of thier families, and pay thier taxes....and working hard is what the american working middle class does best....the bible says let the ox eat from the grain it tramples....in matthew chapter 10 it says the workman is worth his meat....( in red letter ) but just because a couple unscrupulous billionaires rented busses and had thier agents sentthem out to tie tetleys bags on hats and parade around spewing ignorance.....i'll admit it i wa going through someroough times and needed the chuckles....time to get real...it's gametime.....those wallstreet protesters did some homework.....i saw where John Lewis....a great american attended the rally in atlanta....one news outlet commented that he did'nt speak that day....he will.....and when he does the congress will hear the roar of a lion....not that squeaking of mice i heard on the coverage of the debate.....

.....in case i did'nt mention it earlier bachmans mien kampf hairdo was laughable............to be continued.....


  1. ALL the candidates talked about getting people back to work and paying taxes but they believe in lower rates not punishing achievers so they aren't really using Barack's plan. While Obama is a big fan of stimulus (which is usually borrowed money)and short term smoke and mirrors the Republicans are looking for something more permanent to make the math work for the long term. They also do a bad job explaining what they mean by simplified regulation. They aren't looking to allow harmful workplaces. They just want to cut the bureaucratic clutter that makes life complicated. They need to stress simplification NOT avoidance.

    When I bought my house interest rates were 8% and I put 20% down. Of course that was back in the days when raises were almost automatic. I didn't mind paying taxes. That just meant I had made more that year and the company had made a profit so my job would still be there the next year. Bottom line is a lot of the right things were said tonight. I just don't find the messengers trustworthy yet. Of course as Mr. Obama's Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says, "things could be worse". Or as current Chicago Mayor and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste".

  2. The "Chicago Way" just doesn't work for a healthy economy.
