Thursday, September 19, 2013

...NEVER HURRY.... the startginning of my last twisting winding round and round rant.....(check below I could be wrong)....I eluded to those "DEWEY BEATS TRUMAN" media moments & how some folks will stick to that story no matter how many times it is disproved....

....I am not psychic, I don't have ESPN (not even basic cable).....i'm two months to young to be a babyboomer , get all my media information from a LAPTOP,CELLPHONE &I-POD in a backpack....I've simply payed a lil' bit of attention , read an eclectic mix of books,newspapers & public I singlefingeredly type this  several national news outlets (no matter what your politics , some you believe and some you hate) are reporting the same thing.....


.....reading a bit of sports terms FOLKS GO FOR THE HEAD FAKE emotionally and done been hoodwinked by the time they figure it out....that's what put the TEAPUBLICAN congress in there to hold the economy, the jobs, healthcare, education & future of an entire generation of some of the most intelligent,creative & humanitarian folks earth ever had shuffle acrossed hostage... AND FOR WHAT????  now there is even an exclusive 1% of the elusive 1% attempting on controlling everything and everyone...I remember reading how different tribal people would burn the food sources of other tribes, starve them to make them weak...even when Americans sent food to the starving people in Uganda ...idi amin dada took the food to feed his regime who was starving their enemy.... if there are billionaires not rich enough to be in the ...HE-MAN HUMANITY HATERS  tree house what makes those middle and upper middlecass folks behave as MINIONS in support of the very powers that wish to take their standard of living and healthcare away too??? (the proprietor would love to receive an explanation to that in the comments section below) back to the...heard something, be still, watch and wait,,,,don't move yet theme...... two news items caught my ear today...worth peeking at.... needs to be scrutinized... even though the Iranian president said what he said about maybe meeting w/Obama, not wanting nukey mizzles. and wants peace.....this is something I hope is true....the big story in ann currys interview is that POSITIVE DIALOGE is being exchanged...that and the fact traditionally opposing forces are actually working together to overcome the CRABS IN A BUCKET mentality... i'm marking that in the book as progress towards peace...still a long way to go but in the right direction....

.....the second interesting newsflash was about the popes statements...personally I am a born again believer...NONDENOMINATIONAL... the pope is apparently more familiar with his new testament than many political-denominational leaders when he said he too is a sinner we all are and come short ....and as for abortion,planned parenthood & THE GAY....judgement & punishment for sin is above any of our paygrades and we as beleivers in CHRIST are to reach out and reflect his loving grace....I understand the bible is a thick book but a few pages in THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW chapters 5,6&7 actually read in those red letters , understood & used as guidelines for living would make this world a better place....I can't count how many dozens of times I heard the late dr. jerry falwell say "hate the sin but love the sinner"....

.....i'm gonna work on that....once jesus drew circles in the dirt..."let he who is without sin cast the first stone"....your neighbor can't help you with a handful of stones...who's gonna drop them rocks and offer a hand first????

....too be continued......

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