Friday, January 3, 2014

TESTING....1...uh FIVE!!!!!....2....3....(tap-tap-tap is this thing on???) ....7....

^^^^^^^up there that.... "HEY!!!!! I ordered onion rings with that!!!!....^^^^ that'll be ARRGGHHH!!! (like a pirate) my blog..... apologies to all those on Farmville whose chickens I will no longer feed but i'll be spending more time here....

....still workin' out some kinks....some technical...some acquisitional....some physical... in full disclosure if ya'll are squeamish or anti disabled peeps my all too personal experiences with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS , the vivid realities of this misunderstood disease & suggestions that ambulatory peeps surgically remove their widening butts from the recliners and participate in walk/bikeathons for MS & a plethora of other "alphabet" diseases...

.....that said I reiterate I....ME...the creator of this is a blog for examining many issues...I will make fun of things....sometimes I will go out of my way to piss off certain groups...I implore those individuals to use my comments section at the bottom.... admittedly I WILL give priority of response to those disagreeing with me...

...I am just a disabled guy with time on his hands who to be perfectly honest is quite disgusted with folks... I am a born again Christian disgusted with how the hypochristian wrong and will be more than happy to open that can of worms so we can slather it all over the bloggyfloor and stomp on those issues.... politically I'm a centrist...(see previous blog below) and realize most of ya'll are too but just don't realize it....


....while at times I can be's not a requisite here...for anyone.... the CONSTITUTION ...(did I mention I'm a strict constitutionalist?...not like the teapublicans who claim they are protecting the constitution by overturning much of it and denying other parts to some....I'm not one of them but if you are by all means use the comments box and we can round &round about it).... AMERICA  is all about inclusiveness...many peeps have made choices I don't necessarily are47,892,028,573 (give or take 721,494,307 or so) choices in the universe and I'm not judging any of them.... constitutionally ya'll have the right to row your own boat so long as you don't infringe on the rights of others to row their own boat....

.....same deal with my faith..... as a FREEWILL believer.... I take that verse about us all being sinners serious.... hence it's above my paygrade to chunk rocks.... admittedly I'm often seen as comin' of harsh on far rightwing conservatives...but only because they opened their mouths and should've opened their bibles.... my stance is taking the bible out of public schools truly is a non-issue...they took the bible out of far too many fundamentalist pulpits first....(now there's a comment worthy arguing point...sure hopes someone will play a bit'o bloggiephorical badmitten with me there)....

...again in full disclosure I don't insist anyone agree or respect me in the comments section...and implore the use of that comments box for any who disagree with whatever petty socially acceptable practice ..... let's bloggie about it...that's what I've created this forum for.... I realize we all have different life experiences & some of mine (that being dead stuff..yuppers...that got me not giving a rat's patootie about the pettiness of what many think are important issues and practices)....that said...





the scanner & cartoons are coming.... really...not like last's just a little slow I couldn't feel my fingers there for awhile....and there was that minor thing about s'posed to being in a vegetative state....minor speedbump...just a fleshwound.... "WORKIN' IT OUT COACH!!!!" do me a favor ...PIMP MY BLOG...put it out me get the discussion rolling...

....too be continued....

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