.......I woke from a wonderful nap a few hours....relaxed, my neurological pain level a low I hadn't felt in several years.... I had several (to my way of thinkin') topics that I believed would kickstart a lighthearted ramble on the bloggysphere.... I was gathering my thoughts about John Boeners recent rant about the jackass teapublican caucus (if you're not up to speed on my thoughts about them scroll back to earlier posts)..... the realities of how our educational system which was designed to produce contented functioning drones for the shift from agrarian to industrial society thus the $$$$ from the uberdeep pockets put up enough venture capital to satiate their wants.... no more no less...
how the very same Madison avenue ....SPIN FOR HIRE.... pimps that were paid to convince you to waste...W.A.S.T.E.....WASTE your $$$$ on crap you don't need and feeding yourselves & your children poisons that make an all inclusive affordable care system necessary..... now are hired to convince folks that healthcare system is evil...... the selfsame big$$$$ invested which means they ...WILL... not expect to....they WILL make a profit..... and it's time for each of us to perform that home rectal/cranial inversion....
(trust me once you pull that head out in the fresh air and clean out your eyes/ears a more accurate view of the world will emerge)
....anyway just as I turned on my laptop and saw a picture of nancy grace yammering I could hear some geriatrics T.V. down the hall turned up real loud with joyce Meyers shouting somewhere down the hall....(see former posts as to my opinion of nancy grace)...a thought popped into my head about Meyers so I put some joyce Meyers youtube clips on so as to not go off half cocked about her ministry....my first thought was spot on....Meyers combining the sales techniques of dale Carnegie with the comedy routines of Rosanne barr....blend in large dollops of atheist freuds concepts....sprinkle with self deprecation in anticipation of well deserved criticism and serve with the bible closed ....
...it's a poor substitute.....myself I'm not prosletizing....I respect the rights of others under the constitution to excercizie their dogma and chosen ism..... i'll cover Meyers and others of her ilk poaching huge profits from confused souls seeking spiritual connection later on down the blog....I will say I heard "NO" biblical references but did hear several references from the quaran that many bible illiterate Christians waving anti islam signs at teaparty rallies..think...no...ACTUALLY FREAKING BELEIVE are Gospel...... just as millions of high school and college grads in the U.S. are still being misled....so close on the heels of the recent credit bubble apocalypse how to "USE" credit cards in economics class....I can't beleive idiots are still taking out student loans to get degrees for jobs that no longer exist because their self image has them believing they are 'too good' to take advantage of grants and free training in actual wellpaid full benefit careers that are sitting idle because the average high school college grad does not possess the skillsets to be hired.....
....the big problem on Capitol hill lies in that teaparty caucus chock full of misled folks identifying themselves in FAUXCHRISTIAN groups,churches & organizations so wrapped up in destroying the constitution they claim to defend and causing more & more hate & violence in the world...I understand that the pastors of brick & mortar churches are required to spew messages shying away from the sermon on the mount ...."HERE'S A NAPKIN REVEREND WIPE THAT MAMMON OFF YOUR CHIN BEFORE YOU GREET THE PUBLIC".....wouldn't want those comfy cushy preacher butts to need resort to shoveling snow or mowing lawns to keep those suvs & mcmansions now would we??? and those apostate stuffed shirts oppose the PPACA and hold up REAGAN as a saint??? how ridiculous is that???
...stop and think how many psychologically off kilter folks will get the help they need under the PPACA??? NOW!!!! how many psychologically off kiltered folks freaking lost the help they so desperately needed and were kicked out to the curb so Reagan could 'repurpose' those tax $$$ into subsidies that NEVER trickled down ???? how many folks suffered...or died even because of the failed social and economic policies of REAGAN???? I know several dozen by name....you probly do too....
the largest private industry in America would go out of business with PPACA programs & bodies of professed believers could (by actually reading MATT. Chaps. 5,6&7 and applying them to their lives) because the largest private industry in the world is managing the poor...and most of those doing the managing don't possess the skillsets & 'intellectual toolboxes' to enter the actual workforce...they do however make some righteous salary...live in some nice digs & have a lot of cool cocktail party stories of their adventures running up student loans getting those 'macbethian (full of sound and fury signifying nothing) college degrees....while the rich get richer &the poor get trickled down upon...
...and nobody knows how many people truly need that mentalhealth help the teaparty opposes under the PPACA..... my little jog around the bloggyshere has been interrupted several times by undertrained, underpaid cna's who cannot grasp & get irritated by my insistence that I am a human being.....under the PPACA I will be able to get relief and the proper physical therapy to rejoin society.... but under the forprofit Reagan system I cannot... the law says it's illegal to attempt to overmedicate me for the convenience of the staff...several facilities attempt to do otherwise... the facility physician without examining me scribbled a "rubberstamp" DX which excuses the staff to treat me as less than human even though the actual doctor that 'did' examine me says I have no sign of that disorder....the neurologist that's treated me for years says I show no signs of that disorder....the neuropsychs after I awoke from my coma were surprised I was not in a vegetative state noted I have no signs of that disorder.....I'm pretty certain I'm not that....I do however have ms and continuing to subject me to treatment adverse to ms isn't even allowed at "GITMO"...
.....however the medical director of this facility ....who isn't in private practice due to his 'tomas de Torquemada bedside manner and his 'snotty princess' PA who got pissed at me for daring to speak represent the "walmart greeters" of the medical field in that they are board certified and if this gig does'nt pan out they'll be fighting migrant workers for those chicken gutting positions....if I actually receive the physical therapy the neurologist has been ordering since '08 I would be able to rejoin society and go home & possibly return to work....alas..if I would just shut up and pretend to match the bogus DX they could milk medicare and my insurance company for turdloads of $$$$ these folks are about as subtle as a Sherman tank trying to sneak up on a fuzzy little bunny rabbit...
....but ME... what am I thinkin'????
.....yeah??? what???
I wanna be a human being....I've learned a lot of useful information that I could somehow pass on to help others navigate this screwed up world.... i'ld like to be a part of helping those forgotten folks get the proper care they need...I realize there is no quick fix....there will always be 'snakeoil salesmen' lining their pockets... I've seen the slimy, fraudulent side of healthcare.... I know the names and faces of hurting folks who will be treated like scum in Medicaid facilities again this Christmas.... and the names of those paid to treat them that way....I wish I had done more when I was mobile to help those poor souls that Reagan kicked to the curb...thinkin' hard on that....the math is solid to use the educational system, healthcare & mentalhealth , retraining, retooling & restarting the economy ....working folks making a living wage spend (creating more jobs) invest in IRAs, 401ks etc...and pay taxes & fica strengthening our nation....
...and in there somewhere is the $$$ so I no longer have to be (legally) held hostage in a broken private for-profit system.... and those folks needing the care and who would benefit from proper administration of those meds they are pissed off because I refuse to acknowledge a bogus erroneous diagnoses.... I'm thinking about efficient effective usage in treating folks reaching out for help...ignored...at the end of their ropes.... I'm pretty focused on that....before more innocent people get hurt...I'm thinkin' 'bout that...
...you see at the beginning of this rant I checked my facebook newsfeed....a facebook friend who I knew in 'brick&mortar' form... a really good guy... popping pads & sweating out those august practices.... many years ago.... his stepsons ok....he was in school outside Denver today...my heart and soul are with them tonight....
...PEACE><>......to be continued...
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