Sunday, September 22, 2013


......woof!! woof!!!

....beautiful late summer football weather kinda day....started by laughing real darn loud (a little coffee even shot out my nose) when NRA HANDPUPPET Wayne LaPeputin told meet the press "there weren't enough good guys with guns" present at the navy yard shootings...

.....which shooting were you referring to Wayne???

truth is the shooter only smuggled one gun in....which he used on the good guys with guns then used those guns to wreak more terror....I still say there needs to be dialogue as to how to better enforce the Reagan GOP Brady Bill  that has the ignorant minions huddled in their bunkers is kinda nicer and safer in many neighborhoods with them all spiderholed...just make sure the girl scouts, trick-or-treaters and Jehovahs Witnesses don't knock on screen doors with "PROTECTED BY SMITH&WESSON" stickers ......

.......meanwhile back on capitol's past time for chuck barris to backhand the Orangeman take the gavel and hit the gong on the teapublican congress.... (gene gene the dancin' machine & the unknown comic are waiting for rand paul&eric cantor in the cloakroom with duct tape and a gym sock full of marbles)..... enough is enough...we get the point... middleclass folk with upsidedown McMortgages don't like to pay taxes...(tap tap tap...nobody does)'s all a part of being an adult in a free country with democratically elected officials ,,,,if you don't like it... uh...uh...when is ted nugent leaving???  he promised....liar, liar soul patch on change the subject without really going anywhere just how does the far religious right feel about compromising their strict family values skipping hand in hand with they guy that got rich singing about sharing bodylice with underage girls???? prediction is that Canadian born presidential wannabe Ted Cruz is the teapublican version of the cowboy hat on a those old westerns.....he should be a pincushion by Tuesday....constitutionally the government cannot deny social security checks military pay or pensions but should stop the direct deposits to congress, close the capitol hill cafeteria and give john boener a breathalyzer.... all this wanting to deny food and medical care to the sick, poor & elderly has gone far enough.... be continued....

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