Saturday, September 17, 2011

what next?????

.......continuing now......(i said i  would  at the end of the last post)'s a good feeling, knowing ron paul is an honest man....oh yeah.....i watched the tea party debate and now know that in rightwing america i don't have to handicapped butt will be under the bus if mr. paul is elected......the good news is i won't be tempted to get my future told at the state fair next summer.......if the tea party is a born again christian myself i'm amazed (well mildly dissappointed) anyone who's read the bible ....and focused on those red letters.......can support such hate as they apparently do.....

....i remember when multiple sclerosis had me unable to move.....alonescared and trying to reach the phone......i suppose the party of reagan folks would have prefered if i would have just shut up and died...i'm so selfish not lockstepping and just shutting my mouth and dying......but then many of them are so :RIGHT TO LIFE they did'nt notice when one of thier own terminated that doctors life in the 15,948th trimester....make up your mind is vengence yours or God's?????  (which is it,i'm   curious,there's a comment box at the end of every blog post,ENLIGHTEN ME)........i'll stick to prayn' for sinners and let FATHER SON and HOLY SPIRIT do the deciding and administration of vengence.........

.....anyhow that's been on my mind the last few days....i'm healin' pretty well and then hope to get some physical therapy ....git me back on my feet........maybe congress will get a"rectalcranial inversion"and stop trying to turn the middle class america into mel gibson in a mad max movie........maybe the unemployed should dolike the world war one veterans and walk into d.c. and camp out on the capitol, healthcare, jobs...............oops i was going to say maybe the tea party christian conservatives should open thier bibles, pray and ....i'll stop there that ain't happening........

......what has one hundred and fortyseven freet and three teeth??????

.............FRONT ROW AT A TEA PARTY be continued..........


  1. Yeah, Jon. They scare me, for sure. I don't know who's scarier - Paul, Perry or Bachmann. NOTHING good will result with their way of thinking.

    Keep 'em coming, Cur - I love reading your stuff!

  2. I agree. I wish the debates had better filters. At least Obama did a good job of creating an image in order to beat McCain after 8 years of Bush without showing his cards. Now here we are with another election on its way where the incumbent is WRONG and potential competitors are racing to make fools of themselves, saving him campaign money. Another who sucks the least race.

  3. Just hearing Perry speak brings back memories of GWB even though they don't like each other. The only woman who scares me more than Bachman is that Jillian from Biggest Loser and Ron Paul may be trying to be a libertarian but he stopped at the nut shack I guess.
