Saturday, August 27, 2011


i have often been accused of not having enough faith in my fellow contrare pussycat.....i have experience with too many of that section of mankind that in the words of Crosby,Stills and Nash "...we never fail to fail...because it's the easiest thing to do"......all around the huts on isolated pacific islands..remote desrt beduion tents and alpine ski lodges...folks are talkin' 'bout that thar huricane irene strollin'up the east coast of the U..S.A........and up and down the east coast of america others flee the storm there are the occaisional vehicle heading into the storm................thinkin'...........well somewhat coherantly attempting to use thier head for something besides a hatrack "darn it's lookin'cloudy hope it don't rain".......and outside bigbox stores up and down the I-95 corridor as folks in rainslickers and ponchos stream out lugging the very last generator....pushing carts laden with bottled water flashlight batteries and nylon rope to lash the pets and kids down so they don't get blown away....amongst those trudging out with storm supplies is that know the one   ....the one who's very existance casts shadows on MR.DARWINS THEORY OF SURVIVAL OF THE  STRONGEST....yup....that guy....that just bought a case of beer...bottle of sunscreen.......boogieboard ....(just how did that genepool slip thru centuries of plague,famine,wars and pestulance?) and he's obviously headin' to the beach....but at that instant as you wonder if you purchased enough saltines,sardines and oreos....he (or she) looks at you and sez "SO!!!! D'YA RECKON IT'LL RAIN????"........"no slick...enjoy the beach....and use that sunscreen you don't wanna burn?...

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