.....am I mistaken???? possibly need new glasses...but what's the deal with SEN.RAND PAUL (R-MARS) hair....he's got the bedhed thing going on up top....but the overbrylcremed tyrone power action on the sides....what's he sporting in the back? since he's timid about turning his back on anyone these days I reckon we'll never know....
......whatever...since he and Sen. Cruz (Canadian candidate in 2016 U.S. presidential campaign) have now managed to outpace John Boener (R-speaker of the house &paint swatch for blaze orange hunting vests) for the race for lower public approval than molten lava enemas the one thing we know for sure....chia pets require nourishment so it's not that....if there is anyone out there in AMERICA does not themselves or in their family, friends or within armreach not know someone whose paycheck,safety or very life and existence depend in some direct way upon our UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT....please raise your hand....
....okay you three leave the room....two of you are liars and I've got more important stuff to do than discern that right now.....
.....ther's some really important stuff going on right now....with catastrophic dire circumstances...NO!!!! not OBAMACARE....that'll work itself out...gonna be alright....relax....
....i'm talking about the next threat....dark cloud on the horizon threatening to wreak havoc on our economy....the next bubble.....o.k.....are you ready steve? andy? alright....THE GOLD BUBBLE....the same folks that financed the "YOU!!! YES YOU!!! WATCHIN' TWILIGHT ZONE RERUNS AT 3A.M. IN A DIRTY WIFEBEATER AND TATTERED TIGHTY-WHITIES....YOU CAN GET FABULOUSLY WEALTHY BUYING REAL ESTATE NO MONEY DOWN!!!! infomercials....remember those guys selling real estate planning guides for 4 easy payments of $39.95???? ...how did it work out for you when that long festering bubble popped???
....a few years ago when money was tighter than nancy pelosis last thirtynine face lifts combined....when every other commercial on FOX NEWS offered to send you an envelope you could load up with your unused, unwanted & undervalued GOLD??? and they would send you a check (minus shipping, handling &processing fees) for roughly $500 per ounce...so you could keep the escalade till next month.....remember them....go turn your bigscreen to foxnews....go ahead ...i'll wait it won't take long....
....back already huh ???? was William Devane riding his horse on his ranch or landing his personal plane while he told you the smartest thing you could do was buy gold from rosland capital at the low, low benevolent price of $1,750 ???? devane's got a plane...he's paid well to tell you to pay $1,750 for a little bar of gold that was made from that envelope stuffed with old broken necklaces, uncle willies gold fillings you had the kids help you hold him down and pull and various sundry unwanted gold you sold so you could keep the escalade just one more month.....
.....once again I say that at a crucial juncture in our nations history when americans should be putting petty differences aside,pulling together and rising to the occaission....in general many americans are skipping down that proverbial primrose 0path...oblivious to reality thinking "MY BOVINE FECES LIE CAN BEAT UP YOUR BOVINE FECES LIE"....we're all guilty....it's rally time America....
.....to be continued.....
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