Friday, September 9, 2011

YIPPEE!!! it's friday...........

.............the weekend is here.......time for some baseball and college football.....the braves are ten games back so life is good in philly-land ............the crimson tide will be in happy valley, no flashy fashion statements therre but some great football......i still picture forest gump sprinting down the sideline and  joepa jumping up- and down shaking a cane yelling "HEY!!! GET OUTTA MY YARD'............the packers beat da saints so the dodge ram supercab commercials will be the only thing good on t.v. on sunday.......

   (if i don't get comments on that i'll know nobody's reading these rants)

.......then i'll know how  far i can push the envelope gettin' all political on here....i enjoy talking politics but it's difficult finding folks to "talk" politics with...most folks just wanna if whoever gets all emotional and loud and on the brink of "tammy faye crocodile tears" and all emotional know what i mean....those so-called news programs where the moderator introduces three experts on the topic and using split screen  you get 1=the moderator  2- his golf partner/d.c. lobbyist/ brother-in-law 3- the victem of what is about to happen because he belongs to another party and 4- the only person on the show who really does have anything to say but won't get to because the others are yelling and arguing and it sounds like speaking in tongues so i turn the channel.....and not only little pitchers but growed upones have big ears too.....and to many think gettin' loud and whatnot makes them geniuses.......i heard our president was gonna talk about his plan to get folks  workin ' last nite...gettin' unemployed follks working is important because then they get a paycheck and pay withholding taxes and fica and get caught up on thier bills and instead of the government paying out so much it's bringin' in tax revene and with more folks workin' there's more demand for manufacturing ang transportation and wholesale/retail workers and small and large companies start paying big dividends to rich investors who don't know which armpit a steeltoe workbot goes under ,....and anyhow for days befre the prez spoke i listened to folks on the  left....the right.....i listened to 'em all....saying why his planwould or would not and soundin' like arlo  guthrie"and the northwest corner...and the southwest corer...and rollin' the toilet paper out the window......and native americans don't eat clams............i don't want a pickle and 'poor old  rueben clamzo'....and we was both jumpin'up and down on the couch yellin'"....are ya startin' to get the picture???? even britsh and ugandan and  newzealand all mannerism of correspondent was overanylizing and picking apart and pontificating the pros and  cons of a speech about a plan by the man that has'nt  finished writing the plan and speech and how do they know what they're talkin; about.....and nobody understood a word of it and congress ......well congress.............both sides of the congress.........(some things are so pathetic that laughing at them will have Dante build a new lower level of the inferno for so much as a snicker in congresss direction)

you know hillary clinton was on the couch on some assignment overseas already in her jammies with a tubof ben&jerrys and a laptop sending e-mails to each and every democratic convention delagate for NOT giving her the nod.......she's probly glad she does'nt have to do the oval office gig now......./and whats with the GOP debate brian williams introduces the governer of texas and he's grinnin' and guffawing and doing the shoulder shrug thing like gomers cousin goober that helped out at wallys gas station......please tell me if elected perry wonn't wear that inside out zig-zag edge hat and give his t.v. speeeches parting cornstalks ...................have ya'll figured out my political affiliationsyet????? if you checked none of the above but i'm a proud American that is not above or below pointing out the's all gonna be what  it's gonna be eventually be continued...........


  1. Entertaining, as always, Cur. Politics gives me a headache - one is dumber than the next. And as for "news" personnel...The media of all kinds now is like watching or listening to Entertainment Tonight - nothing but nonsense.

    Keep the blogs coming - they always keep me thinking... :)

  2. BTW - the new background makes it much easier to read. Thanks!
