Wednesday, September 7, 2011

some days are like gargling peanut butter....

some days are long,hectic stressful, chaotic painnnnnfull and well worth forgeting.....we've all had bad days......but for missisippian Nathan Hardy his day takes the cake......i s'pose ever'body has had those times we thought a really stupid thought......and imagined it was cool (like the three guys on the railroad trestle that invented bungee jumping....the first guy did'nt really invent it as he used steel cable....but he lit the old idea candle and the other two went insearch of something a tad  more elastic) Nathan did'nt invent anything least not that the associated press reported in the artice i read......although he may have lit the ol' idea candle foe someone at fruit of the loom to nudge research and development about some reinfoerced kevlar boxer shorts....i certainly hope he was'nt "going  commando" when he shoplifted  a couple of live lobsters by stuffing them in his cargo shorts............can you imagine his cellmates moving to the far end od the sell after asking "SO WHAT"RE YOUSE IN HERE FOR".....get a grip hardy as soon as obama care kicks in you can get circumcised with a low low i ask you...the blog reading public....yes i understsnd it took six days for the arresting officer to drive two miles to the stationhouse to book him as he kept  pulling over he was  laughing so hard......and during the perpwalk.....did he hold a seafood menu over his face so the papparazzi could'nt take his picture (as if the security video has'nt gone viral on youtube by now).....but is this really funny???? or just plain sad ?? these are rough times, many scared, out-of-sync folks out there.....all around the world....OH!!!! HOW I WISH MARK TWAIN WERE AROUND TO WRITE ABOUT THE SILLY CRAZINESS ON OUR PLANET THESE DAYS!!!  the lobster incident was just another incident indicative of how our hectic, busy,confused modern life has really messed a lot of folks noggins up......i think it's time we all just slowed down and rethought our persoal direction in life.....i'm sure lobsterbritches would like a do-over....we can all use a pocket full of do-overs from time to time........or maybe just a few reminders to slow down....say a little prayer...and remember we're not on this planet to do stupid stuff, hurt ourselves or others.....and grilled salmon is healthier than shellfish be continued/////;

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